Welcome speeches
1. Chelyabinsk Regional Government Representative (to be considered)
2. Rector of the Chelyabinsk State University — Sergey Taskaev
3. Director of Institute of Economics of Industries and Markets Victor Barkhatov
4. Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Science Pham Van Duc
5. Vice President of the World Association of Political Economy Heinz Dieterich
6. Reading of welcome addresses

Keynote speeches


Prof. Heinz Dieterich

Coordinator of the World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Director of the Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City-Berlin.
Heinz Dieterich Steffan is a German sociologist and a political analyst residing in Mexico. He is credited with pioneering the idea of 21st Century socialism, which was championed and put into application in Venezuela under Hugo Chávez. Heinz Dieterich, a former advisor to the Venezuelan government and a professor at Mexico City’s Metropolitan Autonomous University, is the author of the book «The Socialism of the 21st Century», which Hugo Chavez mentioned during a January 2005 speech at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil. In his book, Dieterich states that he believes that the Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez has been the most successful at adopting the principles of basic principles of modern socialism, such as majority democracy, in which plebiscites are used to make decisions.
Degree in Sociology from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt, 1973. Doctor in Social and Economic Sciences, University of Bremen, RFA, 1976. Since 1976 he is a full professor of Sociology at the UAM, Mexico, D.F. President of the Forum for the Emancipation and Identity of Latin America. Since 1992 he is a member of the national system of researchers (SIN) Mexico. He is the author / co-author of over 30 books. He recently published: End of Global Capitalism. The New Historical Project, (1998); Hugo Chávez: With Bolívar and the people. A new Latin American project is born (1999); National Identity and Globalization. The crisis in the Social Sciences. Essays (1999); The Fourth Way to Power (2000). He is a visiting professor in Germany, Spain, the United States, Brazil, Nicaragua and Canada. 

Prof. Victor Barkhatov

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Institute of Economics of Industries and Markets, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Economics of Industries and Markets of Chelyabinsk State University. A metallurgist by education, in 1980 was carried away by economic science. Apprentice L.I. Abalkina and G.P. Zhuravleva, he devoted more than 40 years to science and higher education.
He actively investigates in the priority areas of economic science in Russia and conducts scientific and practical research about enterprises, banks, insurance, investment companies, government agencies. He regularly leads projects that received financial support from scientific foundations. He wrote more than 300 scientific papers, monographs and educational publications. V. Barhatov analyses problems connected with political economy, state capitalism, digital economy, industrial regions, small and medium-sized businesses, modernization of the Russian economy, taxation of enterprises.
More than 65 scientists became candidate of economic science thanks to the supervision of V. Barhatov; actually, he is supervising 18 PhD students and researchers and 12 Post Doc Students. His students for outstanding achievements in scientific activity have repeatedly been awarded scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia, the Governor and the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, all-Russian charitable foundations.
Professional achievements of VI. Barkhatov of this period are marked with the Order «For Merits before the Fatherland», Zhukov medals, medal in honour of V.I Vernadsky for his success in the development of Russian science, «For valiant work», «For the development of virgin lands,» «The ascetic of education» in memory of the 300th anniversary of MV. Lomonosov, badges of honour the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region «For services to the Chelyabinsk region», the Governor of the Kurgan region «For a good cause», etc.

Prof. Paul Cockshott

Glasgow University (ret.), Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, Mathematician, Economist
William Paul Cockshott is a Scottish computer scientist, economist and a reader at the University of Glasgow. He has made contributions in the fields of image compression, 3D television, parallel compilers and medical imaging, but became known to a wider audience for his proposals in the multi-disciplinary area of economic computability, most notably as co-author of the book Towards a New Socialism, advocating for more efficient and democratic planning of a complex economy:

Assoc. Prof. Gernot Ernst

Vestre Viken hospital trust and Psychological Institute, University of Oslo, Norway
Born 18.9.1964 in Tübingen, Germany, he wrote 7 books, 8 book chapters, 11 reviews, 9 articles, 36 abstracts. In the last years, he is focusing on social and political neuroscience. He is interested in the effect of different substances and other parameters on social and political behavior.



Prof. Stefan Rehfus

Environmental Engineer, CEO of EKO-Plant Enterprize, Germany
Stefan Rehfus, born in April 1969 in Western-Germany.
Study of Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) between 1990 and 1997. Main Aspects of his studies: drinking water treatment, microbiological sanitation of polluted soils, waste water treatment and computer-based simulation of water flows and qualities.
Since the mid-80s, Stefan Rehfus was participant of progressive political Movements in West-Germany, e.g. the antifascist Movement and international solidarity groups. 
He is co-founder of the Website “”, which stands for “Politic and Culture”. Puk was one of the first leftist internet-projects in Germany since the early 90s.
Since 1997, Stefan Rehfus works for a small-medium enterprise in Mid-Germany, the “EKO-PLANT” Company. EKO-PLANT developed fast and is now one of the leading specialists for natural-based systems for waste water and sewage sludge treatment in reed beds. Stefan Rehfus is responsible for leading several research projects of EKO-PLANT in cooperation with different german universities, also he is developer of some major natural based techniques and inventor of 4 patents. 
Stefan Rehfus was speaker on several international conferences, e.g. in Berlin, Mexico City, Toluca, Gdansk. His main topics are sustainable development and environmental engineering, but he held also lectures on labour-time based value exchange. In one of the first case studies worldwide, he calculated different exchange methods for products, based on environmental impact, labour value and prices. 
Since 2015, Stefan Rehfus is CEO of EKO-PLANT.
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Prof. Pham Van Duc

Vice-President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) and President of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, VASS: Full-professor, Vice-President of World Association of Political Economy
Pham Van Duc is founding member (2006) and Vice-President (2014) of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE), an international academic organization founded by Marxian economists and related groups around the world, member of Steering Committee of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP), full-professor (2016). He was also granted the Distinguished Achievement Award of World Political Economy of the 21st Century at the Eighth WAPE Forum in Brazil in 2013.
Pham Van Duc is also an active member of the intercultural philosophy network founded by Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. Over decades Pham Van Duc has also served as the RVP regional coordinator of Asia.
Pham Van Duc has published widely. He is co-authored of 13 books, edited or co-edited 24 books in English and Vietnamese, including: On the Development of Today’s Vietnamese Society, (1991); Social Progress: Some Pressing Theoretical Issues (2000); Man-Nature Relationship and Social Development (2000); Global Problems in the Two First Decades of the 21th Century (2006); State’s Management on Natural Resources and Environment towards Sustainable Development: From a Perspective of Human Sciences (2006); Historical Fate of Socialism (2009). Globalization in AsiaPacific Context: Some Philosophical Reflections (2007); Social Responsibility of Confusim in History of Vietnam and Korea. (2015); Some Issues on Social Philosophy in Vietnam Today. (2016) (in English); Democracy in the Context of One-Party System and Internation Integration of Vietnam (2017).
Pham Van Duc has published more than 100 papers in different scientific journals and reviews.
Dr. WADA Toshihiro,Ehime-u JP .JPG

Prof. Toshihiro Wada

Prof. of Ehime-University, Japan

Assist.Prof. Mandana Tishehyar

Allameh Tabataba’I University, Teheran, Iran

Juan Carlos Olguin

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Center for Transition Sciences, Mexico City (Artificial Intelligence models in Agriculture)

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme


Prof. Dmitri Pletnev

PhD in Economics, Deputy Vice-Rector, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Prof. Liu Zixu

Liu Zixu, PhD in communication and media studies from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, Assistant Researcher at the Academy of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Deputy Editorial Director of the English language quarterly International Critical Thought (launched in 2011, published by Routledge). His research mainly focuses on the political economy of communication, media studies, and culture and ideology. His publications include I Watch Therefore I Am: The Political Economy of Chinese Television Advertising (Canut International Publishing, 2018),Fanaticism: Uses of an Idea (by Alberto Toscano, Translation into Chinese), “The Historical Contribution of the October Revolution to the Economic and Social Development of the Soviet Union—Analysis of the Soviet Economic Model and the Causes of Its Dramatic End” (with Cheng Enfu, International Critical Thought, 2017, vol. 7, no. 3), “Once upon a Time in China— Nationalism, Modernity, and Cinematic Representation” (Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2014, no. 4), etc.
Address: No. 5 Jianguomen Nei Ave., Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, P. R. China


Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance)
1 Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia
BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Balance of Military Power in the World System
2. Liu Zixu, Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Editorial Director of International Critical Thought (ICT), Beijing, China
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Return to Marx for a Global New Era
3. Heinz Dieterich, Professor, Coordinator of World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Director, Director of Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City — Berlin
The American, Russian and Chinese Dreams. Who Will Dominate the 21st Century?
4. Mandana Tishehyar, Assist. Professor of Allameh Tabataba’I University, Teheran, Iran
The 4th Technological Revolution and its Impact on Geopolitical Studies in the Modern World. A Case Study of the Eurasian Region
5. Paul Cockshott, Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, Professor, Glasgow University (ret.), Glasgow, Great Britain
21st Century Cyber Communist Economics
6. Gernot Ernst, MD, Associate Professor, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust and Psychological Institute, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
7. Klaus Bartsch, Independent Researcher in Macroeconomic Modelling, Berlin, Germany
The Comparative Economic Power of Russia, China and India, in 2050
8. Victor Barkhatov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Institute of Economics of Industries and Markets, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
9. Dmitri Pletnev, PhD in Economics, Assoc. Prof., Deputy Vice-Rector, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
10. Juan Carlos Olguin, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Center for Transition Sciences, Mexico City Artificial Intelligence models in Agriculture.
Intelligent algorithms in the detection of biometric signatures of vegetables
11.Stefan Rehfus, EKO-Plant, Germany (Environmental Engineer) The Global Need for a Labour-Time Value-based Eco-socialism. Developing the Conceptual Framework
12.Hermann Dworczak, Vienna, Austria (Political Scientist)
13.Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, Mexico (Geostrategist)
14.Toshihiro Wada, Prof. of Ehime-University, Japan
15.Pham Van Duc, Vice President, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Hanoi, Vietnam
16 Sergey Matveev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
17. Alexander Gorshkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
18. Sergey Kretov, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship, Moscow, Russia
19. Valentin Sedov, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
20. Diana Tsiring, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Rector of Chelyabinsk State University and Yana Sizova, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
20. Yulia Lavrikova, Director of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Ekaterinburg, Russia
21. Vladimir Belkin, DrSc., Professor, Chelyabinsk Branch of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Chelyabinsk, Russia
10:00 Openings ceremony of the Congress
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Theater Building of CSU,
st. Br. Kashirinykh, 129
1. Chelyabinsk Regional Government Representative, congress guests.
2. Rector of the Chelyabinsk State University Diana Tsiring.
3. Director of Institute of Economics of Industries and Markets Victor Barkhatov.
4. Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Science Pham Van Duc.
5. Director of the Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Founder and Coordinator of the World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Vice President of the World Association of Political Economy Heinz Dieterich.
6. Reading of welcome speeches.
10:30–15:30 Plenary Meeting
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Theater Building of CSU, st. Br. Kashirinykh, 129
(coffee and tea break: 12:30–13:00)
Moderator: Heinz Dieterich, Professor, Coordinator of World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Director, Director of Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City, Berlin.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Heinz Dieterich, Professor, Coordinator of World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Director, Director of Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City, Berlin.
2. Paul Cockshott, Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, Professor, Glasgow University (ret.), Glasgow, Great Britain.
3. Cheng Enfu, Director of the Division of Academic Marxist Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing.
4. Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
5. Pham Van Duc, Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Hanoi, Vietnam.
The Future of Socialism with Vietnamese Characteristics.
6. Mandana Tishehyar, Assist. Professor of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Teheran, Iran.
7. Toshihiro Wada, Prof. of Ehime University, Japan.
8. Gernot Ernst, MD, Associate Professor, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust and Psychological Institute, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
9. Victor Barkhatov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Institute of
Economics of Industries and Markets, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
10. Dmitri Pletnev, PhD in Economics, Assoc. Prof., Deputy Vice-Rector, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
11. Stefan Refus, Environmental Engineer, Germany.
12. Olguin Juan Carlos, Autonomous Metropolitan University, Center for Transitional Sciences, Mexico City, Mexico.
The Use of Artificial Vision and Neural Networks of Deep Architecture and Learning, to Develop Equipment with Artificial Intelligence that Helps in the Classification of Agricultural Fruits
13. Magdalena Sánchez, Research Professor, Eduardo Arteaga, Research Professor, Pablo Coras, Research Professor of Department of Irrigation (all — Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico), Xitlali López (Irrigation Engineer, Mexico).
Analysis of Opportunity Costs of Drinking Water in Mexico, a Case Study.
27 April
Venue: Conference hall, main building of CSU
Speaker: Sergey Kretov, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Research Center of
the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship, Moscow, Russia.
Moderator: Dmitry Pletnev, PhD in Economic, Associate Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk.
Participants of the Round table:
Victor Barkhatov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Institute of Economics of Industries and Markets, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Heinz Dieterich, Professor, Coordinator of World Advanced Research Project (WARP), Director, Director of Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City, Berlin.
Paul Cockshott, Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, Professor, Glasgow University (ret.), Glasgow, Great Britain.
Gernot Ernst, MD, Associate Professor, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust and Psychological Institute, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Toshihiro Wada, Prof. of Ehime University, Japan.
Pham Van Duc, Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Hanoi, Vietnam.
Daria Benz, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Alexander Gorshkov, Dr.Sc., Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Oleg Dyachenko, PhD, Associate Professor, Evgeniya Istomina, PhD, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia.
Irina Dovbiy, Dr.Sc., Professor, and Natalia Dovbiy, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Iuner Kapkaev, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Natalia Milchakova, Dr.Sc., Professor, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia.
Valentin Sedov, Dr.Sc., Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Elena Silova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Dmitry Sorokin, PhD, Associate Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia.
Alexander Taradanov, Dr.Sc., Professor Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Theater Building of CSU,
st. Br. Kashirinykh, 129
(coffee and tea break: 12:30–12:45)
Moderator: Dmitry Pletnev, PhD in Economic, Associate Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Sergey Matveev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
2. Alexander Gorshkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Formation of a New Paradigm of Economic Theory in the 21st Century.
3. Valentin Sedov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
The Socialist Alternative is the Imperative of the 21st Century.
4. Yulia Lavrikova, Doctor of Economics, Director of the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Development of the Concept of Mixed Economy.
5. Vladimir Belkin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chelyabinsk Branch of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Cycles of Prices for Oil, Metals and Eleven-Year Solar Cycle: Statistics of Strong Ties.
6. Natalia Milchakova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Financial and Economic Institute of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia.
Homeostasis of the Economic System.
7. Alexander Taradanov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
8. Irina Dovbiy, Doctor of Economics, Professor and Natalia Dovbiy (both — Higher School of Economics and Management, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia).
Investment Priorities for the Transition to Innovation-Enhanced Reproduction in Russia.
9. Alexey Davankov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Socialism, capitalism — environmental policy.
Venue: lecture hall of CSU
Moderator: Elena Silova, PhD , Associate Professor, Natalia Kim, Dr.Sc., Professor.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Viktor Barkhatov, Dr.Sc., Professor, Elena Silova, PhD, Associate Professor (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
3. Natalia Kim, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
4. Evgeny Stepanov, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (South Ural State University, Russia).
5. Dmitry Sorokin, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
6. Monica Karbowska, Independent Researcher, Poland, France.
7. Maxim Smirnov, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
8. Ekaterina Limar, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia.
9. Dmitry Dvinin, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
10. Oleg Dyachenko, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Evgeniya Istomina, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
11. Ivan Nokhrin, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Elizaveta Saukova (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Session II
27 April
15:00 — 17:00
Venue: lecture hall «E»of CSU
Moderator: Yuner Kapkaev, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Natalia Kim, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Oleg Dyachenko, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia)
Regional Points of Environmentally Sustainable Growth of the Industrial Region of Russia.
2. Daria Benz, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor,
Sustainable Development of the Region: Ecological and Economic Aspects.
5. Svetlana Ayupova, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
6. Svetlana Kurnosova, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Ekaterina Zabelina, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Irina Trushina, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
7. Ekaterina Biryukova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Evgeny Biryukov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, (all — the Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
8. Vitas Arbaciauskas
9. Evgeniya Kolmakova (South Ural State University, Russia), Anastasia Mikryukova (LLC “Ural-Soyuz”, Russia).
10. Elena Kozlova (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
11. Yuri Rumyantsev (Russian Federal Nuclear center — All-Russian Research
Institute of Technical Physics Named after Academician E. I. Zababakhin, Snezhinsk, Russia).
Decision Support Systems for Strategic, Socio-Economic and Spatial Planning of the Urban Environment.
12. Anastasia Mikryukova (Ural-Soyuz, Russia), Ludmila Mikryukova, PhD in Medical, Associate Professor (Epidemiological Research Laboratory of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Russia).
13. Assessment of Economic Damage from Technogenic Radiation Impact on the Territory and Population of the Ural Region.
27 April
Venue: lecture hall «A» of CSU
Moderator: Elena Silova, PhD, Associate Professor, MGSU
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, Geostrategist, Mexico.
2. Ekaterina Nikolaeva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk
State University, Russia).
The Concept of Joint Consumption: the Possibility of Implementation in Agriculture.
3. Marina Ovchinikova, PhD in Pedagogical, Associate Professor, Lyubov Shilova, PhD in Pedagogical, Associate Professor, Elena Linnik, PhD in Physical and Mathematical, Associate Professor (all — Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of the Crimean Federal University. V.I. Vernadsky,
Yalta, Russia).
4. Elizabeth Kremleva, Darya Benz, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Natalia Mamaeva, Platonova Anna, Dina Basyrova, Evgeny Savel’ev, Igor Ryzhakov (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
5. Christine Makoveychuk (AOU IN the Crimean Federal University. V. I. Vernadsky, Yalta, Russia).
Digital Sovereignty of the Russian Federation: the Main Directions of State Policy in the Field of Information Security of Critical Infrastructure.
6. Maksym Dvoinenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (South Ural State University, Russia).
The Instability of the Image of the Enemy in the Modern Political Discourse.
7. Madina Serdyukova (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia). Measures of State Support for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Chelyabinsk Region.
8. Ksenia Naumova (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Within the Chelyabinsk Region: Reality or Future? Main Problem.
9. Ruslan Ramazanov (Chelyabinsk, Russia).
Agent-Oriented Modeling of Federal Relations.
10. Anna Isaeva (Chelyabinsk, Russia).
Structural shifts in the economy with increasing knowledge of the concentration of the produced product.
11. Anastasia Zubkovskih (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Conditions and Factors of Innovative Development of Russia at the Regional Level.
28 April, 10:00–12:30,
Venue: main building of CSU
Moderator: Bui Nguyen Khanh, PhD in Law
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Bui Nguyen Khanh,
The Latest Technologies Related to the Development of Artificial Intelligence Systems, the Internet, Big Data Analytics (Big-Date) as a Determination to Overcome National States and the Transition to Cyber-Communism.
2. Tran Minh Duc, PhD in Law, Director of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences in Danang city branch, Da Nang, Vietnam.
Opportunities and Challenges to Working Policies of Vietnam in the 4th Technological Revolution.
3. Vu Manh Toan, PhD in Philosophy, Vice Editor, GASS Review, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam.
4. Bui Nguyen Khanh, PhD in Law, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam.
5. Nguyen Thi Song Ha, Prof., PhD in Ethnology, Dean, Faculty of Ethnology, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam.
The Belief Tradition and Change of Hmong in Vietnam under the Effect of 4th Technological Revolution.
6. Javier Vivas Santana, Venezuela.
7. Pham Thanh Mai, Hanoi, Vietnam.
8. Tran Tuan Phong, Vice Director, Institute of Philosophy, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam.
9. Zixu Liu, Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Editorial Director of International Critical Thought (ICT), Beijing, China.
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Return to Marx for a Global New Era.
10. Dmitry Tarkhov, Professor, Alexander Koricheva (all — St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Named after Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, Russia).
Emeritus of Kyoto University, Tokyo, Japan.
When Will China Become a Zero-Growth Economy?
12. Ekaterina Zabelina, PhD in Psychological, Associate Professor, Yuliya Chestunina, PhD in Psychological, Associate Professor, Irina Trushina, PhD in Psychological, Associate Professor (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
The Temporal Perspective of the Future: Sociocultural Aspect.
13. Leonid Anokhin, PhD, Associate Professor, Nina Anokhina, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia)
14. Oleg Shevchenko, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of Crimean Federal University FAOU. V. I. Vernadsky, Yalta, Russia).
15. Alexander Fokin, PhD in Historical, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Communism as an Alternative to Presentism and a Factor of Sustainable Development.
16. Vitaly Unrau (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Understanding of spirituality in modern Russian society.
17. Antonio Campa, Kamila Ospanova (all-Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
The Concept of Man in the XXI Century Mode of Production.
28 April, 15:00–17:30
Venue: Conference hall, main building of CSU
Moderator: Saeed Shokoohi, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Head of “Regional Studies” Department, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Teheran, Iran.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Ekaterina Kolmakova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (South Ural State University, Russia).
2. Shoja Ahmadvand, Associate Professor of Political Sciences and Head, political Science Department, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Teheran, Iran.
3. Majid Reza Momeni, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations. Allameh Tabataba’i University, Teheran, Iran.
4. Aramesh Shahbazi, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Teheran, Iran.
5. Dinh Thi Mai, PhD in Law, Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam.
6. Irina Kolmakova, Doctor of Economics, Assistant Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia),
7. Svetlana Belousova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Vitaly Vasilyev, PhD in Technical (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
8. Pavel Kadyrov, Yuner Kapkaev, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (all — Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
9. Aleksey Ruchay, PhD in Physical and Mathematical, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
New Development of Society: Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence.
10. Vasily Shpak, PhD in Economics (JSC “Progress”, Moscow, Russia).
Microelectronics as the Engine of the Fourth Technological Revolution.
11. Olga Zorina (OOO “NOVATEK”, Russia).
12. Tatiana Bashirova (Fsbee in “Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Russia).
Session III
28 April 10:00–12:30
Venue: Conference hall, main building of CSU
Moderator: Juner Kapkaev, Associate Professor, Saeed Shokohi, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Head of “Regional Studies” Department.
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Juan Carlos Olguin, Artificial Intelligence models in Agriculture, UACH, CTS, Mexico City.
Intelligent algorithms in the detection of biometric signatures of vegetables.
2. Maya Dubovik, Professor (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia).
3. Fedor Legotin, Professor (Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia).
4. Lyudmila Goncharenko, PhD, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
5. Galina Moskalevich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor (BIP-Institute of Law, Minsk, Belarus).
6. Yuner Kapkaev, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vera Lechinina (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
7. Evgenia Istomina, PhD, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk state University, Russia).
The relationship between the subjects of industrial production in the digital infrastructure.
8. Victoria Taran, Associate Professor (Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of Crimean Federal University FAOU. V. I. Vernadsky, Yalta, Russia).
Bayes Networks in the Modeling of Complex Natural Processes.
9. Andrei Korsunsky (Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of Crimean Federal University FAOU. V. I. Vernadsky, Yalta, Russia).
Epistemological Problems of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks.
10. Ilya Nurmukhametov (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Neuroeducation as one of the Elements of Digital Economy Formation.
12. Kovina Valeriya Evgenievna (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
Changing the Structure of World Trade in the Conditions of the 4th Technological Revolution.
28 April 15:00–17:00
Venue: 3rd educational building CSU
Moderator: Vera Zilina, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keynote speeches (not in order of appearance):
1. Marina Teplih, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Magnitogorsk, Russia).
3. Marina Ahmetzjanova, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (Fsbee in MSTU. G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Russia).
4. Elizabeth Zilina (Urfa Name of the First President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia).
5. Anatoly Nevelev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
6. Vladimir Rybin, Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
7. Andrey Matsyna, PhD in Philosophical, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
8. Oksana Brilz, PhD in Philosophical, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
9. Sergey Deniskin, PhD in Philosophical (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
10. Alfiya Kamaletdinova, PhD in Pedagogical, Associate Professor (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia).
11. Leonid Macina (Branch VUNTS VVS VVA, Russia).
12. Dmitry Zaitsev (Branch VUNTS VVS VVA, Russia).
13. Roman Macina (Branch VUNTS VVS VVA, Russia).
Excursion to the Chelyabinsk State Archaeological Museum-Reserve