Call for Paper

The submission Web page for UESF-2025 is

Workshop 1. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Environmental Monitoring

  • development of monitoring systems
  • methods and procedures for pollution risk assessment,
  • synthesis of monitoring data with toxicological, epidemiological and health data,
  • principles in the design of monitoring systems,
  • the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pollution risks,
  • development of monitoring systems related to the management of various renewable natural resources.
  • Water resources management, waste water treatment, and waste management
  • The overuse of the atmosphere as dumping ground for greenhouse gases.
  • Carbon Management & Greenhouse Gas Mitigation low-carbon mobility,
  • the contribution of low-carbon mobility to sustainable development.
  • Environmental risks and hazards
  • Aerobiology
  • biological weathering and biodeterioration,
  • indoor air quality
  • air-conditioning technology and industrial aerobiology
  • bioaerosols and transport mechanisms
  •  biometeorology
  • biological pollution
  • biological input to global change

Workshop 3. Forest sciences

  • encompassing physiological processes,
  • tree genetics,
  • forest management,
  • remote sensing
  • wood structure and function.
  • impacts of agriculture and forestry activities on soil and aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity

Workshop 4. Agro-Environmental Sciences

  • Water pollution and treatment,
  • Wastewater treatment and reuse,
  • Soil remediation,
  • Noise and radiation control,
  • Environmental biotechnology and nanotechnology,
  • Food safety and hygiene.

Workshop 5: New Energy Technologies

We are welcoming all the works associated with but not limited to the following issues:

  • sustainable energy production
  • life cycle assessment;
  • carbon capture,
  • storage and sequestration;
  • Energy procurement management;
  • Management of energy distribution and use;
  • Modern technologies of energy storage.
  • Energy economics;
  • Improve energy security.
  • carbon capture and storag
  • Offshore floating solar

PV Systems

  • Design and Installation of PV Systems
  • Operation and Maintenance of PV Systems
  • Monitoring, system failure analysis, PV system reliability.
  • Electric and thermal performance, safety aspects, integrated mounting structures
  • PV products for buildings.
  • PV in vehicles;
  • PV in transport infrastructure
  • Grid and Energy System Integration
  • Grid management
  • Technologies and simulation for short-term and seasonal storage
  • Static compensators
  • PV Strategies and Policies
  • Economics and competitiveness of PV,
  • market assessment and investment
  • PV in integrated energy system, mass storage,
  • PV for achieving global sustainable development goals,
  • PV in climate change mitigation

Solar Thermal Energy

  • Solar Thermal Power Plants
  • Solar Thermal Collectors
  • Solar resource assessment, measurements and monitoring

Hydropower, Biomass, Biofuels, Wind, Geothermal

  • Small hydro for local community and industry,
  • Small hydro for contribute to distributed generation in a regional electricity grid
  • Small hydro projects for isolated areas
  • Hydropower and the Environment
  • Wood and Wood Waste
  • Waste-to-Energy (MSW)
  • Landfill Gas and Biogas
  • Biomass & the Environment
  • Ethanol and Biodiesel for Transportation Facilities
  • Biofuels and the Environment
  • Offshore wind
  • dynamic export cables
  • Horizontal-axis turbines
  • Vertical-axis turbines
  • Small wind turbines
  • Wind power plants
  • Wind Energy and the Environment
  • Direct use and district heating systems Geothermal power plants
  • Dry steam plants
  • Flash steam plants
  • Binary cycle power plants
  • Wave power, Tidal power

Workshop 6. Effective environmental policy strategies and Climate Change.

  • Political, economic, and legal considerations in implementation of effective governance strategies, направленных на решение to international environmental problems: biosafety, biodiversity loss, climate change, desertification, forest conservation, ozone depletion, transboundary pollutant flows, and the management of marine and fresh-water resources. Trans-boundary and cross-jurisdictional issues, legislative and governance frameworks, policy and management issues associated with building, maintaining and restoring robust social-ecological systems at regional scales.
  • impacts of legislation, regulation, and the economy on pollution control
  • effective governance strategies,
  • International Environmental Agreements
  • the environmental impacts of socio-economic development.
  • environmental management
  • use and conservation of natural resources,
  • protection of habitats and control of hazards,
  • ecological economics,
  • environmental law,
  • geosciences and information science,
  • public affairs
  • Ecological Impacts;
  • Advances in Modeling;
  • Sea Level Projections;
  • Climate Feedback and Sensitivity;
  • Hydrologic Impact; Effects on Human Health;
  • Economics and Policy Issues.
  • shortages of natural resources,
  • impacts on ecosystems and deterioration of the natural environment.